heartfulness meditation
Inclusion of heartfulness meditation as good initiative for evolving life skills in higher education institutions
Today, while writing about education for higher education institutions, many kinds of thoughts arose in my mind. After all, what is the purpose of education? What is the meaning of education? Does higher education mean gaining expertise in a particular field or something else. After a lot of deep study and thought, it was understood that education is not just the one who specializes in a particular field, but education is the one that teaches a person to live , makes the life of a person purposeful. For fulfilling the purpose Inclusion of heartfulness meditation may be good initiative for evolving wholistic development in higher institutions.
Keywords: Education, Institutions, Life-skills, Wholestic development,Heartfulness meditation
Today, while writing about education for higher education institutions, many kinds of thoughts arose in my mind. After all, what is the purpose of education? What is the meaning of education? Does higher education mean gaining expertise in a particular field or something else. After a lot of deep study and thought, it was understood that education is not just the one who specializes in a particular field, but education is the one that teaches a person to live , makes the life of a person purposeful. It fills new hope, excitement, passion, and enthusiasm in life. It gives him a complete personality so that he can live a good life with pleasures while making a identity in society. Living a good life is not just about acquiring good livelihood and raising resources for happiness and prosperity. To live a good life means to live a life with skills in work and behavior. There should be humility, inner peace, inner understanding, inner happiness, love and eficiency with full subject expertise. In this way, education gives meaning to a person’s life. Inclusion of heartfulness meditation may be good initiative for evolving wholistic development in higher institutions.
In the research paper presented, Researcher, while explaining about education, has studied the inclusion of Heartfulness Meditation with Academic Education as a new initiative in higher education institutions for the evolvement of full-fledged education.
For Complete change in criminals
The Research Study (Inclusion of good initiative as heartfulness meditation for evolving life skills in higher education institutions) is conducted by qualitative research based on documents, pictures, videoes, observation & experiences and logic of author.
Researcher made an effort to occur answer of the main research question:
What is the need of inclusion of good initiative as heartfulness meditation for evolving life skills in higher education institutions ? Since the main research question cannot be answered at once, authors developedsub-research questions in order to get to the overall answer of the main researchquestions. The sub-research questions include:
Research Questions :
- Why is the need of inclusion of good initiative in higher education institutions?
- How heartfulness meditation may be a good innovative for evolving life skills in higher education institutions?
- How heartfulness meditation can be include with academic education?
- What would be effects of inclusion of heartfulness meditation in higher education institutions?
Author studied relevant documents ( Books, Journals, Magazines, News Papers and Articles) in depth to gain answer of all above questions. She observed a group of society in depth. She collected all data in words, audio, pictures and video forms and she collected data on the basis of her experience and logic by observing surroundings also. After collection of all data she analysed them and reached on conclusion.
In perspective of first research question (Why is the need of inclusion of good initiative in higher education institutions?)
Higher education institute is the place where a person gets higher education and after getting education from here he applies it in his life. Some people have their primary education and rites so compelling that they are always with them but sometimes The education and values of some children are not so strong. When a person gets education from here and establishes himself in the society, then only acamedemic education will not be able to lead a good life until his entire personality ( life skills)develops.Only academic education teaches him to live life with an incomplete personality. The whole personality is when he can incorporate love, compassion, humility, inner peace, inner happiness, and satisfaction in his life, and be able to face adverse situations with internal strength . Many times, through the newspaper etc., it is known that an highly educated person engineer, doctor, judge, IAS officer, RAS officer etc. have committed suicide . The reason for this is that his entire personality could not develop which would have kept him strong even under adverse circumstances. Similarly, many times we hear such news that the government officer was caught taking a bribe or indulged in criminal activities, a doctor got involved in crimes like human organ trafficking. The reason for all this is the development of his incomplete personality, which was able to develop moral qualities in him, due to which qualities like love, self satisfaction, humanity, morality, humility could not become a part of his personality. At the same time, some children get stressed due to studies during academic education, stress gets so much over many students that they become victims of depression and even commit suicide, some go astray in wrong directions Such as drugs, alcohol etc. To avoid this stress and to fully utilize their internal resources, good initiative in higher education institutions need to be included. Afterall a youth is the future of our society.
In perspective of 2nd research question How heartfulness meditation may be a good innovative for evolving life skills in higher education institutions?
In heartfulness Meditation, a person has to meditate on his heart, while meditating on his heart, with a divine thought that the divine light is in my heart, he closes his eyes in a meditative state and feels happy & lightness himself. as the person practices it, a harmony is established between his heart and his mind, due to which he develops the right thinking and understanding which helps him to take right and effective decisions at the right time. The effect of meditation remains even after meditation, due to which he feels happy at all times with lightness and because of his ability to take the right decision, he makes each of his tasks much better. He is able to do it effectively and stress does not dominate him at all. He feels happy even after doing more work. Heartfulness Meditation is a simple form of Raja Yoga which may be included easily in the daily routine with Modern Household Life Experiment has proved it.Transmission (Pranahuti) is One of the characteristics of it, By which we feel a permanent change in our behavior and thinking in a permanent and right direction that helps in the development of our entire personality. This method is very simple and effective which can be used even when sitting in our house. There is a small exercise in the form of relaxation which relaxes the body and mind and prepares the body and mind to mediate in heartfulness meditation, so that the person can easily move into meditative position. It is said that when we meditate thinking that the divine light is present in our heart then we become divinely pure as God and the divinity starts spreading throughout our body. Yogic transmission in heartfulness meditation which is one of its characteristics greatly helps in meditation, the way in which power can be transmitted, Thoughts can be transmitted Live force can be transmitted in the same way live force can also be transmitted as pranahuti.
There is three main parts of heartfulness meditation
‘Meditation : It is to be done in the very morning, before starting the daily routine with a thought that Divine Light is present in our heart. With regular Heartfulness Meditation, your mind will become centered and shift to deeper levels of feeling, intuition and consciousness.
Cleaning : It is the process to remove all the impressions which we have collected on mind during the day. Our thoughts, activities, reactions create impressions on mind which gradually become more deep with the passage of time and create loss of peace in mind. With the help of cleaning, the effect of impressions, tendencies, etc. created earlier can be removed. It creates lightness in mind which further helps in bringing change in our behavior with the help of meditation.
Prayer ( Inner Connect) : Through a simple bedtime prayerful intention, you can connect humbly with your inner self, listen to your heart’s voice, and weave your destiny.’[i]
If we talk about ancient times when there was a Gurukul education system in which Gurukul was sent to take education there, Meditation was the best way to impart education to them, it was through meditation that they taught them how to live life. Talking about Swami Vivekananda, who rocked the whole Shicago on the basis of his enlightenment that was his strength was provided to him by meditation and Swami Vivekananda is still an inspiration for the youth.
I am also associated with heartfulness meditation and on the basis of my personal experience I can say about some benefits of heartfulness meditation.
Benefits of Heartfulness Meditation on the basis of my personal experience :
- Relaxation of body physically.
- Removal of mental tensions.
- Meditation on heart.
- Regularization of thoughts.
- Purification of mind.
- Connection with yourself.
- Development of decision making power with wisdom.
- Obtaining internal strength
- Feeling of happiness all the time
- Living a balanced life.
- Development of conscience.
- Freedom from mental complexities.
- Attachment with Nature
Because of all above experiences (bebefits) heartfulness meditation may be a good innovative for evolving life skills in higher education institutions.
In perspective of third research question (How heartfulness meditation can be include with academic education?)
There is a u connect programme in heartfulness meditation institutes. “University Connect promotes the pursuit of excellence in all areas of life within universities and colleges. With a gradual shift in education towards developing Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Spiritual Quotient (SQ) along with IQ, there is a growing demand for balanced and integrated students. Universities are taking this demand from industry seriously and incorporating Self Development Certificate Programs in their curriculam.Recognizing this need, U-Connect is an initiative to connect with youth and is founded on the principle that the crux of self development is introspection and meditation. They contribute to holistic personal development and also have a positive influence on campus culture through meditation.
U-Connect Offerings
U-Connect currently offers a Self Development Program (SDP) entitled Self Development in the Context of Spirituality and a Practical Approach,which is offered to any willing university to be integrated into their curriculum, with or without credits. The course focuses on the inner aspects of personal development as the key to realising true potential.There are weekly sessions covering topics such as Values, Yoga, Purpose of Religion, Meditation Systems and Personal Development. This unique approach includes a good mix of lectures, practical exercises, self-observation, suggested reading and audio-visual elements, and is designed to touch the heart.It includes an introduction to meditation as a practical means to self-development. Various meditation systems are introduced, including the Heartfulness Relaxation and Meditation that are offered as a certain means to bring about such a transformation.”[ii]
In perspective of fourth research question What would be effects of inclusion of heartfulness meditation in higher education institutions? If the heartfulness meditation is included in the Higher Education Institution, it can have a very amazing effect. As mentioned above, heartfullness meditation creates harmony between mind and heart, so that right thinking and right understanding is developed which gives the person the ability to take decisions in the right direction. The person remains happy and internally calm so that they can easily cope with adversity even when studying in higher education. During study students fell more pressur & stress in higher education institutions. but if the Heartfulness Meditation Continues are in practice, then there will be no pressure & stress on the children to study .The children will enjoy the study and will be able to achieve more in less time because of its concentration power Increases. As well as they will not be a victim of stress depression and other wrong activities etc but they will include all the other moral qualities that are most important to live life and develop the whole personality of the person like: love, Humility, sympathy, attachment to nature, inner peace, happiness, right decision making, positivity etc. When a child full of these qualities passes out academic education from the educational institution and establishes himself in the society, then his life will be different and he will not only do his own life best but will also become an inspiration for other people as well as towards humanity. These children of today will create the future to come and then will makea separate aggregoer because the child alone cannot make a aggregoer, but if essentially heartfulness fullness meditation is included in higher educational institutions, then all the children coming out of it together can make Aggregor and then such children will make their own identity in whatever field they land, whether they are doctors, engineers, government officers, CA, leaders, teachers, professors or anything else, With these, we will make a society that can take the country to the pinnacle of brightness and in this way heartfulness meditation techique will develop a positivity on inclusion of meditation in higher educational institutions.
It may be a matter of discussion here that where there is a lack of time for education in higher educational institutions, how can there be a separate time for activities like heartfulness meditation, why will the children include the technique in their daily routine and how can it be included in education institutions. Here I want to say that if the heartfulness meditation is included in institutions it will save time of students as it increases the concentration power of mind mind and also develops right thinking and understanding which helps in making the right decision, Their chances of wandering are gone. on the basis of my experience, I can say that once they realize this feeling that happiness they then they will definitely include it in their daily routine, it can be easily incorporated through U – connect program. There may be doubt in the minds of many people that meditation is only for yogis, then I would like to say that meditation is not only for yogis but for all people because heartfulness meditation is one There is a method that can be easily incorporated into our material life and can be practiced with all our material responsibilities.
Conclusion & Suggestion
After analysing all above data that there is a need of inclusion of good initiative in higher education institutions for evolving life skills.Heartfulness meditation may be a good initiative for it. Through this, the purpose of education can be fulfilled and the society can be given such a doctors, engineers, lawyers, CA, professors, leaders who will take the country to the pinnacle of the brighter world.
Being a research scholar, a patroric and heartfulness meditation practioner I would like to suggest thatHeartfulness Meditation Technique should be include as a mandatory at the Higher Education Institution as soon as possible so that the country can get well such educated citizens and truly serve the purpose of education
[i]Heartfulness meditation available on https://heartfulness.org/en/ retrieved on Jan. 22nd , 2021
[ii] U – connect programme available on http://dev.spiritualityfoundation.org/ retrieved on Jan. 26th 2021